Principal Leadership in Developing the Competence of Islamic Religious Education Teachers
- Kamis, 24 November 2022
- Lekman
- 0 komentar
This article aims to describe and analyze the leadership of the head of Madrasah
Tsanawiyah Al-Ikhlas Bontang in improving the professionalism of Islamic religious
education teachers. It uses a descriptive qualitative approach, and data collection
techniques are conducted with in-depth interviews, participatory observation, and
documentation. The results showed that planning is carried out by collecting ideas
through the initial meeting of the year, forming a curriculum development team,
obtaining curriculum documents, and determining an assessment program as the basis
for implementing evaluations. Furthermore, management implementation through
tahfidz learning in local content should be performed every morning for all students
with a predetermined schedule. Evaluation through the memorization system positively
impacts teachers to form a learning community, and the results of the tahfidz assessment
are combined with all groups of Islamic religious subjects.
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